+251 11371 2982 aacracom@gmail.com

Road Construction

 Road Reconstruction

Since its establishment AACRA has successfully upgraded roads within the city according to the city’s master plan. The authority has also redesigned and upgraded the old roads which served for decades. Prior to the upgrading these roads were so narrow that they couldn’t accommodate the ever increasing traffic any more. To date over 2763K.m asphalt surfaced roads with different width were constructed in areas identified as mayoral priorities, i.e. Kality-Mesqel square, pushkin square, Gotera interchange, Gofa, Bus 3 terminal Tele-Dese Hotel, AskoSansusiwinget, Arat Kilo- Genfele- Menelik, Yekatit 12 Hospital- Semen Hotel, mesquel square- Bole ring road, Sarbet-Mekanisa, Megenagna- ourael-Mexico-Lideta, Georgis- autobus tera-sebategna-Coca, sadist killo-FerensayGurara. The under construction kaliti Ring road roundabout-Tulu Dimtu road project is one of the best road projects that Addis is going to realize in a time of one year.Gotera-Gofamazoria-Pushkin round about road project which will commence soon is believed to have great impact on the city’s traffic movement and development.

In addition to the old asphalt roads local roads which were gravel surfaced were replaced with cobblestone. Coble stone production and pavement created more than 75000 new jobs in four years time. Small and micro enterprises engaged in coble stone chiseling and paving endeavors were able to accumulate wealth and many of them were transformed to medium scale firms.

New Road Construction

Besides the reconstruction of aged roads many new roads have been designed and constructed to connect the new expansion areas of the city to the center. New short access roads also have been constructed at around the city center. Some of the newly constructed ones are LidetaTsebel – AU- Bulgaria (the second phase of this project which extends to Mesquel Flower is now under construction.), Bole Arabsa, yekaAbado, Bole Ayat, Summit, Mikilliland, Sengatera 40/60, MegenaganaEhilNigd 40/60, Bole Bulbula, Kality Crown hotel 40/60, Lideta, KuyeFeche and other condominium sites and surroundings also are amongst the new expansion areas that new road infrastructure construction heavily took place on.

Mandate to Road Construction

According to regulation No. 7/1998 the authority has the right to construct and design roads on its own or have them constructed and designed through contractors and consultants. Thus, many local contractors and three foreign international contractors have involved in construction and more than a number of local and 1 international consulting firms have been working with the authority in designing road infrastructures.


The road ways particularly side walk and storm water management system received little attention despite the steady economic and population growth.

AACRA also has the mandate to design, construct, maintain and administer infrastructure networks associated with roads, roads reserves, storm water, footways, street light poles, traffic signs and lights and so on. The side walk ways varies in width form 3 up to 10 meter. Starting from the year 2018 the city administration started emphasizing on pedestrian walk way rehabilitation. More than 22 kilo meter walk way was rehabilitated during the fiscal year.

Major roads have dual carriage ways each 7 meter wide accommodating two lanes in each direction. The high way is the highest form of roads with in the road hierarchy. So far the authority manages a total of 6573 km long road network.